Brain-savvy Wo+man

Make your work more satisfying, be more effective,

and overcome the bias that can hold you back

Why does your career need a brain-savvy approach?


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How you can manage your career to thrive. Understand how your brain works, and the shortcuts of thinking that direct most of what we do, and how other people react to us:

  • Why do we find some tasks easy but do everything we can to avoid other ones?
  • Do you dread the words "I need to give you some feedback"?
  • What makes some people great to work with and others really difficult?
  • What can you do when you're being side-lined, talked-over, or someone else gets credit for your ideas?
  • Are you too tired to be ambitious?
This book uses the insights of neuroscience to tackle your career challenges from two angles – literally. Reading from one end, you'll find guidance on the career-management issues that confront both men and women: how to be more resilient, giving up on multi-tasking and being more productive, building networks and finding sponsors, developing the mindset that will help you, and becoming an inclusive leader.

And reading from the opposite end you'll learn about the particular challenges for women at work: the power of deeply-entrenched gender stereotyping, how to challenge the kind of language and meeting-management that keeps women down, finding new ways to negotiate pay rises, juggling warmth vs competent, resisting a backlash, and building the kind of gender equal organisation we all want to work in.

Brain-savvy Woman on-line Leadership and Career Management Programme


Thrive in your career whatever your ambitions. Our programme covers everything from confidence, to creating a high performing team to becoming the leader you want to be. It’s all on-line with flexible ways to take the programme to suit you or your organisation.

Brain-savvy Wo+manBrain-savvy Wo+man

Creating an inclusive culture


Diversity is all well and good but means little if people don’t feel included. Our on-line assessments enable you to measure the sense of inclusion in your team or across your whole business. Individual leaders can get feedback on how inclusive their team feels. Once you know the data you can use our micro-learning modules to address areas where you want to become more inclusive.

Brain-savvy Wo+manBrain-savvy Wo+man

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